Flier for campaign to raise money for wives of soldiers

A Women's Initiative

Thank you for joining The Amida Army!

We created this initiative as an effort to generate more merits and protection for the chayalim, the hostages and all of Am Yisrael.

The goal of this site is to create a sense of unity in our personal mission to try to daven one Shemona Esrei a day. Although it's something we do privately, we can gain inspiration and empowerment knowing we are part of something bigger than our individual selves.

Can't daven daily? No problem. Do whatever you can. Let this speak to you however this works for you. Be encouraged that any contribution you make adds tremendous value.



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Join the Amida Army podcast.

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Contact us @ theamidaarmy@gmail.example.com

Exclusive Interview: Mother of a Chayal

Weekly Plug In with Rabbi Tenenbaum

Beur Tefila with Adeena

Monthly Plug-in

July Plug In with Rikki Ash

May Plug In with Jaclyn Sova

March Plug In with Channah Cohen

Baltimore event, Jan. 2nd, '24

Yishmael: The Hidden Galus with Rabbi Menachem Nissel

Senior Educator for NCSY, Senior Lecturer for Ner LeElef, Rosh Mesivta at Yeshivas Yishrei Lev, and widely acclaimed author.

Baltimore event, Aug. 27th, '25

The Amida Army: Weaponizing the Shemona Esrei with Rabbi Menachem Nissel

Senior Educator for NCSY, Senior Lecturer for Ner LeElef, Rosh Mesivta at Yeshivas Yishrei Lev, and widely acclaimed author.
Amit Yudkovitz quote
Aviel Milkamo quote
Ayil Meir Verkovitz quote
Binyamin Arieli quote
Daniel Kastiel quote
Dekel Soisa quote
Elkana Navon quote
Eyal Mevorach Twito quote
Iti Amar quote
Liron Shnir quote
Matisyahu Yaakov quote
Nariya Aharon Nagari quote
Nesanel Pesach quote
Oriya Yaakov quote
Ofrah Yaneg quote
Rigshei Lev p. 46 quote
Rigshei Lev p. 49 quote
Saran Roi Miller quote
Saran Ben Tzion Polok quote
Segan Yval Yafa quote
Shai Shmariz quote
Shimon Arieli quote
Yair Hanania quote
Yona Brief quote
Yugav Aharon quote

The King is in the Field: 10 Days, 10 Amidas

Flier for The King is in the Field: 10 Days, 10 Amidas, 2024 initiative

Yishmael: The Hidden Galus with Rabbi Menachem Nissel

Flier for Yishmael: The Hidden Galus with Rabbi Menachem Nissel

9 for 9

Flier 9 for 9 days 2024 initiative

Thinking Outside The Amida Box with Rikki Ash

Flier for July 9th, 2024 shiur

Reigniting the Shemona Esrei with Jacyln Sova

Flier for May 28th, 2024 shiur

Drama of Bayis Sheni with Channah Cohen

Flier for monthly zoom chabura

Weekly Plug In with Rabbi Menachem Tenenbaum

Flier for weekly and monthly zoom chabura

Baltimore event, Jan. 2nd, '24

Flier for event in Baltimore on Jan. 2nd '24


Rachel Imeinu's yartzeit

Thank you to a member of The Amida Army for sharing this original poem!

Original poem from Amida Army member

music composed by Chayala Neuhaus (original song Unspoken Words)

The King is in the Field: 10 Days, 10 Amidas

Elul Amida Army

Chayal of the Day

Flier Chayal of the day program